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Knowing God's Agapao Love

So what on earth is Agapao Love?

Agapao Love is God's amazing Love for us. Strong's Concordance defines it as an unconditional, undeserved, unearned love that's poured out on us regardless of whether we’ve done anything good to deserve it or not. It' s given by choice and will and isn’t based on feelings or emotions of any kind.

God's Agapao Love gives us the right to call the devil a liar every time he tells us we aren’t worthy or deserving or good enough to earn the Love, the Agapao of God! Agapao isn’t earned or deserved! Instead Agapao Love floods our lives and minds...simply because God has chosen to pour it out on us.

1 John 4:8 - He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.

There's nothing that this Love won’t do for us...simply because of the fact that it's unconditional... without even the tiniest filament of a string attached. It’s offered freely and not based on anything we do, have done, or will ever do--whether good or bad!

Do you see that? There isn’t anything...not one single thing that you’ve done or will ever do that will make you more, or less, deserving of God’s Agapao Love!

Pause and think about this for a minute or 60. God's Love for you is completely unconditional... completely unearned... and completely undeserved. That means that we don't have to earn it or deserve it or faithful and correctly complete a bunch of rules to have fulfilled all the conditions...

It's FREE!



That’s truly an amazing and comforting understanding! It means that His love never doesn’t wax hot and cold like ours so often does. His Love is a steady flame the burns the same for in and day out!

Nothing. Nothing. NOTHING we do or don’t do will alter His Love toward us even one teeny tiny iota! Now STOP and think about this for a moment or many moments.

The God of the Universe Loves you with a never-ending, never-changing, everlasting love! How amazing is that?

There's nothing you and I can do that will cause God to reject us and stop His love toward us. We can stop loving Him, we can do something terrible, we can do something excessively stupid, we can turn from His face and waste our days on useless stuff...and STILL He will NEVER reject us or stop loving us!

If this isn't an awesome thought then I don't know what is!

God's never-ending Love for us is incredible! We should never stop being amazed by it! This Love gives us ample reason to stop regularly and simply worship Him!

How can you stop and thank Him, right now, for His incredible, abundant, and everlasting Love for you?

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